简介:1.专业新秀女演员的床生活 在退休金拍摄后,这位女演员很早就入睡了,演员对此进行了思考。 女演员开始哭泣,开始享受演员的抚摸。 2.大学生发生野性行为 受过良好教育的女大学生暗示了性爱。 由于女演员的性爱,男人开始享受快乐。
简介:Homemaker 's flavor has a heterogeneous physiological structure due to the painted film. Her husband, Tonghyeok, is tired of frequent trips and overwork, and she is always lonely. One day, the flavor of renting a videotape to appease the hollow mind is touched by Donghyeok who came back from his home town. Tonghyuk feels that he is vulgar to such a flavor and leaves to Sorak Mountain, and he comes to Dong-hyuk to pray for forgiveness and realizes that there is a dumb woman called "local" near him. However, to the pregnant local, Tonghye forced abortion and eventually she died. In this case, the two went into separation and tasted the tape to comfort the loneliness of the single, and the affair with the videotape deliverer, who had always tempted her. The flavor caught by the young man is eventually transformed into a coloring actor, and Dong-hyuk rescues the flavor, but she is hospitalized in a mental hospital due to delirium.
简介:The drug detective chief is kidnapped by his teammates in front of his lover, Marie. Marie pulls back the drugs she seized from the police to find the chief and approaches the organization. Moving along the path of the drug, Marie hides in a mansion where she meets a hostess, Chunchin. In the room of Sakun Chan, Mari finds photographs of Sakun Ching and the cheerful chief.
简介:Hyeri 是梨泰院一个受欢迎的夜总会。一天,她在晚上外出时遇到了著名的伴舞演员 Jun-seo,并与她共度了一夜。Hye-ri 在加油站偶然遇到了嘻哈战士 Sun-woo 并引诱了他。善宇对她感到同情,并逐渐爱上了她。然后有一天,他将惠利介绍给经纪公司的负责人允美,并与惠利的朋友嘉熙一起去试镜。通过试镜的惠利和嘉熙现在满怀成为明星的梦想。然而,Jin-mo 要求他们提供性服务。另一方面,Seon-woo 将自己卖给了经纪公司负责人 Yoon-mi,后者为她提供了一张专辑。惠利、佳熙和露美组成了名为爱丽丝的三人女子组合。在灿烂的聚光灯下,他们开始崛起
简介:为成功的CEO制作纪录片。采访这是对一位成年商店老板的采访,他在非通奸行业中表现出了显着的增长。 在平凡的生活,总是一个有价值的人从住在与两个女人的采访一个卖身契注意到一个成人用品商店才刚刚开始。 现在揭示了两位女性的秘密,她们说成功的秘密与其他女性不同。
简介:성종의 뒤를 이어 등극한 조선조 10대 연산은 즉위 3개월 만에 접한 생모 폐비에 대한 역사 기록으로 본능적 모성욕구에 갈등한다. 연산은 즉위 4년에 무오사화를 계기로 군주로서의 자신과, 의와 효 사이에서 방황하는 개인으로서의 위상이 무시로 혼합됨을 괴로워한다. 모성에 대한 욕구는 연산의 내외면의 지배의식이 되어 장녹수를 비롯한 총녀들의 편애로 나타난다. 그리하여 정사는 뒷전에 밀리게 되고, 결국 즉위 10년 만에 갑자사화라는 일대의 참화를 겪게 된다. 황폐의 극대점에 이르자 뜻있는 대신들에 의해 진성이 왕으로 옹립되고, 연산은 2개월 후 교동에서 파란 많은 인생을 마감한다.在朝鲜时代成宗的脚步deunggeukhan操作10次冲突本能地渴望母爱为母亲pyebi面临加冕3个月历史纪录。操作是受灾个人的阶段在他们之间和漂移,与作为君主之际万无一失和解加冕4年混合忽视的影响。对产妇的渴望成为算术内外的统治意识,并表现为祖母和祖母的偏爱。因此,正义被推向了轨道,经过10年的提升,它遭受了全世界的破坏。当它达到最大的荒凉点时,真正的自然被有意义的祖先提升为国王,算术在两个月后结束了在京东的很多生活。
简介:一心想过上流社会生活的龙太(朴重勋 饰)和一心一意爱着他的美容师泰洙(吴燕洙 饰)为了寻找寄身于黑社会的母亲柳光天不顾三七二十一的来到了大都市。在路上的火车站里被满洙(李璟荣 饰)骗光钱财后成了流浪汉,急火功心的龙太将同行的泰洙卖给了妓院,继续寻找柳光天四处漂泊。一个偶然的机会下龙太救了命悬一线的柳光天并成了她的手下,当龙太再次和泰洙相见时,泰洙已经成了妓女可是她对龙太还是一往情深。想要在黑道立足的龙太第一个任务完成的很圆满,可是却因为龙太的原因被黑道组织打断了腿的满洙触动了龙太最后一丝怜悯之心,看清了自己所处的位置,龙太意识到自己希望的光天派和现实并不一样,而且组织眼看着势力迅速崛起的龙太势力也觉得不安心,于是向龙太下达了一个暗杀给组织带来威胁的金检察官……
简介:애처가인 산부인과 의사 나동국은 퇴원한 아내를 위해 제주도로 여행을 갔다가 아내는 치한들에게 강간을 당해 자살을 한다. 동국은 아내를 잊지 못해 제주도에 다시 찾아왔다 가수의 꿈을 가진 루치아를 만난다. 어느날 루치아는 상류사회의 미녀를 공급하는 조직에 걸려 댄서로 전락하게 된다. 그러나 동국은 그녀를 집에 데려와 보살펴주고 결혼한다. 두여자를 성폭행으로 잃은 경험이 있는 동국은 신경성 착시증세로 수술사고를 일으켜 폐인이 되고, 루치아는 그를 위해 집을 나간다. 동국은 루치아를 팔아넘긴 악당을 찾아 처절한 복수극을 벌이고 그들은 다시 만난다.一位爱国妇产科医生或东国人前往济州岛出院,妻子强奸自杀。东国遇到了回到济州岛的露西亚,因为她不能忘记她的妻子。有一天,露西亚陷入了一个为上流社会提供美丽的组织中的舞者。但东国带她回家,照顾她。再加上两个女人强奸的经历,东国成了焦虑症的观察者,露西娅离开了他的家。该国出售露西亚并洗劫了反面的恶棍,以寻找去世的恶棍,并且他们再次见面。
简介:A pair of lovers murder the man's wife so they can be together. However, the body is never recovered and signs start appearing that suggest she may still be alive.
简介:曾是大学放送专通业同窗的海婉(姜受妍 饰)、京慧(沈惠珍 饰)、英善(李美妍 饰),转眼已经是三十多岁的中年女子了。离婚后的海婉随心所欲的生活着,极具独立精神。突然有一天海婉接到了京慧的电话得知曾经的好友英善试图自杀,现在入院抢救的消息。以这个电话为开端三位好友自结婚以后就各自忙于自己的生活也渐渐疏远后的第一次相聚,互相倾诉在过去的日子里不为人知的自身的痛苦。性格非常现实的京慧通过媒人介绍结婚后,没有多少感情基础的丈夫在外面有外遇,自己无比伤心却还要装作不知道,过着行尸走肉般的日子。英善试图自杀也是丈夫的原因,曾经一起留学,一起度过坚苦日子,一心只想让丈夫获得成功的英善意识到自己的不幸和委屈,对生活充满了厌恶和失落。虽然三位朋友在一起,海婉的独立生活也深深的刺激了英善并给予她极大的启示,可是英善还是没有勇气作出改变去解决自己的问题,最终自杀了……
简介:Dim witted Dong-chul (Kim Myeong-kon) roams the streets of downtown Seoul wearing the clothes and watch left behind by a film director (Lee Jang-ho) who committed suicide. One day, he sees a pretty college student named Hye-young (Lee Bo-hee). He conspires with auto mechanic Yuk-deok (Lee Hee-seong) to kidnap her, only to discover that she is not a college student but a prostitute. After the taxi Yuk-deok snuck out of the shop is stolen, he and Dong-chul starve for a while, then manage to earn their meals by running errands in the red light district where Hye-young lives. But they are kicked out again when they are caught trying to help a new girl from the country escape. Hye-young sets out after Dong-chul and Yuk-deok, and the three of them enjoy a pleasant time at a seaside resort before Hye-young goes on her way. While working as waiters at a saloon in Seoul, Dong-chul and Yuk-deok run into Hye-young, who is there as a companion for one of the guests. During the ensuing party, Hye-young becomes the plaything of the upper-class men in attendance and eventually loses her life. Dong-chul and Yuk-deok deck her out in fineries and carry her out on their shoulders to bury her.
简介:SYNOPSISYoung-ah lives with her mother in poverty dreaming of becoming a super fashion model. One day she is seduced by Doo-shik, a drug dealer, lose her virginity, and forced into work for the gang. Best fighter in town, Kang Baek-chon who lost a brother to drug is determined to destroy drug dealing organization. While investigating his friend Man-bok's car accident, he meets Young-ah. She has become a different person by then. Head of the drug dealing organization orders his right arm Cobra to strengthen security and sales profit. Young-ah joins the organization tempted by money. Baek-chon gets Young-ah out of the gang and destroy them but dies in her arms.故事婴儿的著名时尚模特的梦想生活在一个单亲母亲在困难的环境。她遭受诱惑哪一个赢得了我hiroppong组织被迫失去童贞,甚至成为该组织的成员dusik。工作因子河baekcheon拳头全世界都在关注他的弟弟被贩毒集团摆脱毒瘾毁了。朋友饱然后打车遇到的艺术儿谁追踪其背后的。她已经转化为另一个女人。总维修hiroppong组织的总统下令,以提高安全性打手眼镜蛇和销售。婴儿期是该组织最终可以赚很多钱的诱惑的成员。Baekcheon正在寻求眼镜蛇婴儿的成员。津盖忽视hiroppong组织,但模具抱住了她。
简介:오랜만에 단편 시나리오 두 편을 의뢰받는다.구성작가에서 시나리오 작가로 자신을 업그레이드하기 위해 머리를 쥐어짜지만 글빨은 무소식이다. 더구나 한꺼번에 두 곳에서 의뢰를 받은거라 어느 한 곳도 제대로 신경을 쓰지 못한다. 서로 내용이 비슷해 조금만 바꾸면 쉬울 줄 알았는데 감독의 취향이 서로 달라 더욱 힘들어진다.일차 마감 시간도 얼마 남지 않아 결국 특단의 조치로 작업실에 쳐박혀 자신을 몰아붙인다.노랑츄리닝을 입어야 글이 잘 나온다는 징크스 때문에 단 벌의 노랑츄리닝을 계속 고수하고 오늘도 글빨 분투를 하는 미영.그녀의 상상인지 현실인지 헛갈리는 생활이 이어진다.
简介:Michael Hanake meets the Blair Witch Project in Kim Gok's Exhausted, a vicious kick in the pants to everyone in the audience, all in the name of "style." A man meets a mute woman, and as any reasonable person would do in such a situation, makes her his prostitute. But the pimping is the least of our problems. As we get exhausted by the grainy faux-16mm camerawork, the film gets increasingly deranged. The closest thing we get to a sympathetic character is the pimp, simply because he's got too much self-respect to fuck a mute whore. Everyone else is either a gory mess, or a gory mess in disguise. Even the prostitute, which even a thug like Lars von Trier would make likeable, comes off as a delirious scary woman whose shrieks strike like blows to the jugular.Kim Gok has seemingly abandoned the Marxist critiques of his short films, going instead for mindless brutality which culminates in an endless bloody freak-show involving, among other things, a pair of scissors going where pairs of scissors should not go. In the middle of the bloodbath, we get an extended long take of the beaten prostitute's near-dead face, but it does not elicit sympathy or pity. In fact, images of the victim only make us shy away in shock. (Indeed, the extended sequence led to continuous walk-outs during the Pusan screening.) The long take invites us to stare, but it assumes we're as sadistic as the victimizer (and the film) is. Meanwhile the sound-effects (mostly a rumbling bassline that shakes the theater) pulsates with pure wickedness. With Hanake, shock creates reflection, which asks that we be critical. Here, we only want to escape. I suppose Exhausted has some virtues; the shots of drilling machines and factories provide a mesmerizing phallic backdrop to the pimp and prostitute's pursuits. But everything else hurts too much. At least Kim Ki-duk lets us breathe. Exhausted makes Bad Guy look like Lady and the Tramp. (asiaarts.ucla.edu)