简介: 诗人和女友是一对不婚主义,可是后来,女友却食言了,女友最终选择和别的男人结婚。分手那天,诗人亲眼目睹了女友意外车祸身亡。诗人怀着悲痛离开了他们的故乡。三年后,女友忌日的当天,诗人重返了故乡祭奠女友。没想到回来后,诗人却意外迷失在时空隧道,穿梭于过去与未来,展开了一段奇幻的冒险,探讨着生命与爱情的意义,度过了一段闲情逸致的诗意之旅。 本片改编自90后天才导演——“小王家卫”李斌的小说《给我一个永远的谎言》,由美国摄影师John Smith 倾力执导,一部安静的散文式艺术电影,营造一种诗意迷幻主义,意识流风格的文艺片。在时光的洪流里,映衬内心的暗流涌动,安静如水,在这个浮躁的金钱社会里,回归内心的干净与纯真,让你的心中不时掀起阵阵涟漪。
简介:A man, who years earlier mysteriously abandoned his family and isolated himself in a small northern town, returns for one last chance to reconnect with his troubled daughter. When she goes missing, he risks everything to find her, including exposing the fact that he is becoming invisible.
简介:When a Caribbean family vacation takes a disastrous turn, a father finds himself at the mercy of a cold-blooded fisherman, and a desperate race against the clock to save his wife and son.
简介:Isolated from the rest of the world since the time of the dinosaurs, New Zealand’s magnificent wildlife has been left to its own devices for 80 million years, with surprising consequences. Narrated by actor Sam Neill, this three-part wildlife series transports viewers to an exotic and mysterious island chain, revealing how the country’s rich, intriguing wildlife manages to survive.